Together living the way of Jesus for the glory of God and the good of the next generation.





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we are family

Of the many incredible gifts we’ve been given by God, perhaps the most amazing is our capacity to connect with Him and others in relationship. We were created for intimacy with God and others – the kind of mysterious connection that deepens over time through honest conversation at the table, shared experiences, laughter, conflict and resolution. Relationships are powerful – through them we are influenced, challenged, transformed and brought to maturity. As a Church, we’re deeply committed to building healthy relationships with God and each other by intentionally becoming people marked by self-awareness, authenticity, vulnerability, courage, and curiosity.

Key Practices / prayer, shared meals, participation in smaller communities, parties, candid conversation

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we are becoming

God longs to embrace us right where we are and through relationship with Him and his Church craft us into something even better, something truly beautiful. This is really good news because we all know what it is like to look inside and see things that scare us. All of us, each in our own ways, carry hurt, pain, and regret related to conflict, shattered dreams, or bad decisions. Whether our issues are seemingly large or small, God’s amazing love and grand vision for wholeness applies all the same. God calls every one of us to be formed into the image of Jesus. Responding to this call, we no longer avoid our weakness or hide our character flaws. We are now free to come into the light without fear of condemnation or shame. As we boldly pursue Jesus and His Kingdom together, we will increasingly experience a life marked by power, love and self-discipline.

Key Practices / baptism, communion, disciple-making, application of scripture, worship, confession, crafting a rule of life

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we are sent

As we are increasingly formed into the image of Jesus, our eyes are opened to the many needs of our city and the world. We come to embrace the ache of injustice as an opportunity to follow Jesus into the wild. We’re no longer content to merely take care of our own but now boldly stand in the gap on behalf of those who need a father, mother, friend, mentor or advocate. We have been called as a church to generous giving, selfless serving, spreading the good news of God’s grace and truth through loving actions and words. We are eager to take part in God’s mission to make all things new, so we enter into pain, struggle, and mess with the love, hope, and truth of Jesus. As a community we refuse to waste our lives chasing comfort and ease and instead choose to stand gloriously out of place with those in need.

Key Practices / care for the next generation (adoption, foster care, mentoring), care for the vulnerable, relational evangelism

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we are creators

As we become more in tune with our mission and calling, we’re compelled to roll up our sleeves and get creative. What could we create together to release uncommon joy, beauty, and love into the world? What’s possible for your family and our Church if we came together and gave ourselves to creating the new kind of life and community Jesus envisions? These are the kinds of questions that keep us wide-eyed and driven to imagine a new way forward. We’ve been called to foster a culture where ordinary people come to understand their contribution to the movement as essential. We are a community unafraid to dream big dreams, start new things, ask big questions, and express ourselves through words, music and art. We believe all of life, including work and play is spiritual. We’re learning together what it means to see every day as a unique opportunity to create to the glory of God.

Key Practices / advancing ideas, art and projects, participation in civic discourse and leadership, striving for excellence in our work

Northeast Doctrine

If you are interested in reading what we believe, click the link!