We are a church who places a high value on knowing Jesus, one another, and serving others. We strive to live in the way of Christ’s Kingdom.

Ways to Engage

When you visit, here are a few things to know.

  • The Sunday morning worship gathering begins at 10:00 and usually wraps up around 11:15.

  • Most people dress pretty casually.

  • We have children’s classes for ages 6 months through fifth grade.

  • The middle school group usually meets right after the Sunday gathering at the church building until about 1:00p

  • The high school group usually meets on Sunday evenings from 6-8p

  • Parking is pretty self explanatory.

  • We have coffee and tea available (for free).

  • Each week when we gather, we sing songs, hear a word based on Scripture, and partake of communion, all with the aim of worshipping our King and Savior—Jesus of Nazareth.


There are several ways to connect and stay engaged. Here is a list that could be helpful to get started.

  • Visit the welcome table in the foyer after the gathering (under the large sign opposite the main entrance).

  • Sign up for our weekly Northeast News email (see below)

  • Our Sunday morning gatherings are live-streamed via YouTube and available on our site and our YouTube channel

  • Plug into a community group.

We’d love to get to know you! Share your contact info here & let us know what areas of the church you’d like to know more about.


Contact Info

Would you like someone to reach out to about any of the following?

Would you like to be added to the Northeast News email?

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